How to care for yourself after your IV Vitamin Therapy infusion:

  • Apply pressure to the site for 2 minutes after IV has been removed.
  • Keep Band-Aid in place for 1 hour.
  • Warm packs and elevating your arm can be used for any bruising at the site.
  • Cold packs can be used for pain relief and to decrease any swelling at the site.
  • Any swelling should be significantly reduced in 24 hours.
  • Post IV infusion symptoms are uncommon. Dehydration is the cause of most symptoms and concerns.
  • We encourage you to drink at least 1-2 16oz. bottles of water after your IV infusion.
  • If enough water is not consumed, you may experience any of the following symptoms: headaches, nausea, joint pain, blurred vision, cramping (GI and/or muscular), mental confusion or disorientation.

Most patients experience significant overall improvements:

  • Better energy.
  • Better mental clarity.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Improvement of their complaints.
  • Overall feeling of well being.

Patients commonly report one of two patterns after an IV Vitamin Therapy infusion:

  • Patients generally feel better right away. Due to a busy lifestyle, many people are chronically dehydrated and deficient in vitamins and minerals causing them to not feel well. Once the patient is hydrated and the nutrients are replaced, their symptoms improve quickly.
  • A warm flushing sensation is common in some cocktails. This typically occurs when the cocktail is administered quickly or in large doses, allowing the magnesium to cause a rapid widening of the body’s blood vessels. In rare cases this can also lead to lightheadedness or fainting. These side effects are short lived and are easily managed by adjusting the dosage and speed of administration.

How often will I need IV Vitamin Therapy infusions?

The number and frequency of treatments will vary depending on certain factors. Condition(s) being treated:

  • Improved sleep.
  • Current health status of the patient.
  • Response of the patient to the treatments.

A general estimate of the number of treatments needed is discussed during the first visit. As we go along, we will develop a more specific treatment plan. Most patients will require at least 5-10 treatments. Depending on the response, some patients will then go on to maintenance therapy with occasional treatments.

Call Lueur Aesthetic Clinic or your Primary Care Physician for:

  • Any symptoms you are not comfortable with.
  • If any of the following are progressively worsening after your IV infusion:
  • Significant swelling over the IV site.
  • Redness over the vein that is increasing in size.
  • Pain in the vein/arm that is not improving over an 8–12 hours period.
  • Headache that does not resolve with increased hydration or over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen.