Post Treatment Instructions:
- For the first three days, cover the area with a layer of antibiotic healing ointment. Keep it bandaged with sterilized gauze. Don’t apply any other creams or makeup to the treated area within the first few days.
- You can remove the bandage after three days, but keep the area as clean and dry as possible. You may also apply Vaseline, Aquaphor, or hydrocortisone cream to moisturize the area as it heals.
- Wear sunblock (SPF 50+) any time you go outside. Sun exposure is one of the worst things for the skin after laser removal.
- Once you remove the bandage, you can shower and wash the treatment area. However, you should avoid high-pressure water. Clean the area gently with mild soap and pat dry.
- Don’t soak the area until it’s completely healed. Avoid baths, hot tubs, and swimming pools, as all of these can increase your chances for infection.
- Drink lots of water – Keeping the body hydrated is key to maintaining a strong immune system. It helps flush out toxins and restore blood cells, which are key to preventing infections.
- Decrease alcohol consumption – Too much alcohol intake can cause dehydration, which slows down the healing process. If possible, avoid alcohol entirely.
- Don’t smoke – When you smoke, your immune system has to work harder to remove the pollutants. Your body won’t be able to work as hard at healing your skin. Non-smokers see better results and usually need fewer treatments.
- Exercise – Exercising increases blood flow. Increased blood flow actually helps to break down the ink particles in your skin. You should take a few days off exercising immediately after treatment. But once your skin scabs over, physical activity can help the tattoo removal process along.
- After laser tattoo removal treatment, you need to keep the treated area out of the sun. If you get a sunburn in between treatments, you’ll have to postpone your next session until your skin returns to its normal color.
- Delaying treatments will prolong the process and make it take longer to see permanent results.
- And it’s not just sunburns that slow the healing process – any amount of tanning can have the same effect. Make sure to keep your skin covered with sunscreen and clothing or bandages if you plan on spending any time in the sun.
- Blistering and scabbing are natural side effects of the healing process. It’s tempting to pop and pick at your skin. Avoid this at all cost.
- Opening the wound not only increases the risk of infection but also prolongs the healing process.
- And as long as you have scabs or blisters on your skin, avoid shaving that area. Using a razor can cause you to open the wound accidentally.
- For the best results, allow scabs to fall off and blisters to drain on their own.